
Friday, August 04, 2006


Well i'm back. It's been quite something the last few days. Let's recap...

We had Vacation Bible School every night last week (except Thursday because there was a really bad storm). Though it was physically challenging (keeping up that busy schedule), it was a lot of fun.

I had a few days off of work. I was off on Friday, Monday and Tuesday of this week. My poor sister is on complete bedrest for the time being. She has to for the sake of the little one growing inside of her. So I took a few days off and went to her house and sat with her to keep her company. Tuesday night I made "creamy" alfredo from the box, which actually turned out to be something more like "clumpy" alfredo. Poor girl had to throw the stuff out, and ate 2 plums instead. And what's sad is that it was Pasta Roni! :0 Next time i'll do better, I promise.

So it's Friday and I'm glad. Even after having off 5 consecutive days, I'm still beat! We have choir rehearsal tonight and then I have to rush home and help with chores around the house. Tomorrow we're hosting a "trunk/going away party" for Jordan at our house. Yes sir, just a few more weeks and he'll be off to Carbondale, IL! I certainly hope he does well.

Ok, so I think that's about it for now. I have a lot of work to get done today before I leave, so i'm gonna hop to it.



  • At 10:11 AM, Blogger NumbaSixx said…

    NOOOOOOO!!!!u guys can't have the party w/o me!!!! ok- i guess u can. Jessica told me to see if i can come home this weekend 4 it- but i 4got i gotta opera to go 2 2morrow! (and on top of tht- no money) Jackie- i know ur waaayyy past picture takin' but take sum please----and then---- post....and when is the vbs closing?


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