
Sunday, August 19, 2007

School Starts tomorrow...

So, school starts tomorrow, for like the....umpteenth time in my looooonnnnggggg college career. But I am really excited about it. I'll try to stay up to date with my blogging, and keep my small audience abreast of my experience.

On another note, my emotions have certainly run the gamut this weekend. At times I felt as if I were a fountain, overflowing because tears came so suddenly, so often and so long. :) But, I made a choice this morning that, despite..., I choose to be glad, I choose to have joy, and I choose to focus on the positive rather than the negative. I was really overwhelmed by God's goodness today, just thinking about how very greatful I am for his goodness. Yet and still, often it seems that right on the heel of a MAJOR blessing, there is a major battle that you're thrown into. One brother called it a "Decisive Battle" And boy oh boy, the battle has been RAGING, but I am so contented to just trust in God and I've decided not to let the "bitterness" of the battle, lessen my praise and excitement for the blessings God's given me.

I was thinking of the song that says...

I've been through the fire, that has deepened my desire to know the living God more and more Now it hasn't been much fun but the WORK that it has done, in my life has made it worth the hurt.

Now, sometimes we need the hard times to bring us to our knees
Otherwise we'd do as we please and never heed God
But he always knows what's best, so confident in this I rest
That he's working everything out for my good

On a lighter note, I am sooooo very excited about my apartment. I have done a little decorating, and am quite pleased with the results. I found a perfect coffee table, and two end tables this weekend for only $40! It was quite an adventure getting them into my two-door car and Clare's two-door car, but we managed, and they look stunning in my living room. I also found a REALLY nice painting at Hobby Lobby for a VERY good price. EXCITING!!!

Actually last week, I was very pleased with the effort I put forth. I gave my apartment a good thorough cleaning, including a lot of organizing. Partly because I needed it, partly because I really wanted to get it done before school started, and partly because I had people over to celebrate Clare's 23rd birthday. (Happy Birthday Clare!) The birthday was a good success, we had a couple of people over and played "Loaded Questions" and "Apples to Apples, Bible Edition". However, when it was all done I was EXTREMELY tired. Anyhoo, that's been my week/weekend/life in a nutshell. Until next time...Good bye and God bless!!!


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