My Heart Says Amen
So, what do you do when you've prayed in a very specific way, for a very specific answer or move of God, and he seems to be moving in the OPPOSITE direction of what you've asked for? When i'm tempted to murmur and complain and feel sorry for myself because things seem to not be working out in my favor, I just start singing this song. I REFUSE to dwell on the negative prospects, because at this point I don't know how he's going to turn these things around for my good. So I sing "My Heart Says Amen to thy will..." until all doubt is dispelled and my will is truly humbled before God and until I come to a place of acceptance with joy! Well, please, read along, sing-a-long and be blessed!
I have yielded myself to Thy service,
I have yielded myself to Thy service,
And Thy presence my bosom doth fill;
O my Savior, I haste to obey Thee,
And my heart says amen to Thy will.
Refrain:Yes, my heart says amen to Thy will, Lord,
And I know that Thou lovest me still;
While I bow low in humble submission,
And my heart says amen to Thy will.
All the heart-ties of earth my be sundered,
So that I may Thy purpose fulfill;
Help me gladly submit and not murmur,
Ever saying amen to Thy will.
Though my plans and my hopes may seem blighted,
I will love Thee and trust in Thee still;
For I know all is well that Thou doest,
And my heart says amen to Thy will.
When I pass to that heavenly country,
And my soul with its glory doth thrill;
This forever shall be my rejoicing,
That my heart said amen to Thy will.
At 12:09 AM,
Unknown said…
lol! i love how you told me your age without saying cant be that
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