Human beings, in my estimation, are so very good at treating symptoms and ignoring the bigger picture. We do it with our health, our finances, our spiritual lives, etc... Just take a look at how successful pharmaceautical companies have become in the last two decades. Our body gets worn down and ill because we don't get enough rest, we don't eat the right things, and we don't exercise enough. BUT when our body gets sick (which is the symptom to tell us something is wrong) we take drugs, pills, medicines, pain relievers and so on and so on. Why? Because we aren't interested in letting our body heal. We just want a quick fix to relieve the pain so that we can continue in our bad habits. I believe God, being the intelligent creator that he is, programmed our body to give us hints when it need a rest. Just like our cars give us signals when they need maintenance, so does our bodies. A headache, a stomach ache, a pain here and there is usually indicative of a more serious issue. Usually the issue can be rectified by rest and giving the body sufficient time to go through it's natural healing process. Our bodies can be healed through changing our live habits by eating right and exercising. Making life changes is what will help us to live healthier lives; taking medicines will only ease the pain for a while, but it cannot HEAL our bodies. And even in taking medicines and prescribed drugs usually the side affects are so extreme, you wonder if the side affects will cause you more discomfort than the actual pain or issue you are currently experiencing. But, we, as members of the human race, do not like to be inconvenienced in the least bit. We'd rather cover the symptoms than to take time and make the changes to be healed. So sad. So, my little tirade really isn't about living healthy as much as it is about setting the stage to prove how we think. I believe how we treat our body epitomizes how we treat just about everything else in life. What really got me going was an article I read about a certain comedian who hurled racial slurs at inviduals in an audience recently. It's so sad that as a country we seem to think that passing a few laws, moving legislation would really be enough to change the hearts of ignorant, misinformed, malicious, hardened individuals who refuse to acknowledge that a man's (or woman's) character TRULY is NOT based on the color of their skin. Not that I am not glad for legislation that has been passed, or that I am ungrateful for the sacrifices that have been made that allows me, an opportunity to receive education and career opportunities that 50 years ago would been difficult and perhaps impossible for me to reach (Civil Rights Act of 1964). I realize though that it was GOD's mercy that allowed me and my family, the generations before me, to overcome various obstacles and arrive to the land we hold today. I realize that it is because of HIS mercy that we (myself and my family members) were not consumed. It's pretty amazing that the great-grandaughter of slaves is able to go to college and able to hold a professional position that demands respect and dignity. But what I am saying is that the legislation passed did little to address the serious illness that plagues the hearts of people throughout America. Racial hatred and bigotry is SIN and is wrong in God's eyes. I don't care who it is, how rich they are, white, black, hispanic, asian, NOONE is exempt. It really makes me angry when I read articles about some public person using their position (or abusing in many cases) to air their bigotry. I hate that people are so in their closed/sealed houses and so ignorant of other people that they readily accept thoughts and opinions about an ENTIRE group of people just based on one or two people they have met. I am no longer surprised when it happens though. From time to time you'll here people say, "I can't believe that in 2006 things like....still happen..." Well, I can believe it and it saddems me. Not until people make a conscience choice to change their hearts and look beyond what they see with their eyes will we ever break down walls.
I know i've been in several instances where I've felt like a person of a different race saw only one thing, "my skin color". And it makes me kind of sad, because I think to myself, "If they could only see beyond that, they'll find out that there's so much more to me than meets the eye." We did this exercise one time in college where we had to write down how we would describe ourselves, more or less, write a list of ways to describe who we are. And I realized that I can come up with so many things on my list that I could share with others of different races and different ethnic backgrounds. If we would only give each other a chance...
Ok, i put up my soapbox...
I know i've been in several instances where I've felt like a person of a different race saw only one thing, "my skin color". And it makes me kind of sad, because I think to myself, "If they could only see beyond that, they'll find out that there's so much more to me than meets the eye." We did this exercise one time in college where we had to write down how we would describe ourselves, more or less, write a list of ways to describe who we are. And I realized that I can come up with so many things on my list that I could share with others of different races and different ethnic backgrounds. If we would only give each other a chance...
Ok, i put up my soapbox...
At 4:40 AM,
BASF said…
It really is amazing how much people look on the outside before seeing what's on the inside.
It is a sinful heart condition causes people to put a whole race down in order to lift themselves up, but think about how many fat people, ugly people, old people, disabled people KNOW what you are talking about from personal experience. They may know they are more than what is seen on the outside, but people have such a hard time getting past that.
Granted many of them do not have the whole picture to deal with in that their backgrounds, their families, their heritage has been one where discrimination affected every aspect of existence, but they experience it to a degree on a personal level.
I don't know how many times I have had to "get hold of myself" and say to myself, "Just because this person has flailing arms and can't talk plain or walk straight, does NOT mean they are retarded." It's hard sometimes for me to grasp that. It's actually harder for me to grasp that someone with a physical DISABILITY may be quite intelligent than it is for me to accept that someone of a different race is.
At 4:47 AM,
BASF said…
By the way, I enjoyed your harangue on health issues. However, it's hard sometimes to fit our need for rest into the demands life makes on us. The work has to get done NOW; it can't wait until we are well rested. Preparation for Thanksgiving is now; it won't wait until next week. Or Christmas. Or other events we have no control over. That kind of thing.
I started to say diatribe but the definition said it's a "bitter, sharply abusive denunciation" and that did not fit. Harangue is more accurate: a long, passionate, and vehement speech, esp. one delivered before a public gathering.
At 12:17 PM,
SisterAlto said…
basfsogp, I couldn't agree with you more. Speaking from my own experience I tend to see the racial apsect, but you are right we have so MANY hangups and issues. All of it is unfair, biased opinions. When I was in high school one of my classmates had cerebral palsy, and I remember one day in particular some of the "popular guys" were really mean to him and made fun of him. And I thought to myself, that is really sad. Not just the fact that they made fun of him, but even with his disability, his academic ability far exceeded their own. I mean the guy was REALLY smart, like a genius. But who really has eyes to see that? He, just as anyone else, was fearfully and wonderfully made. I have asked Jesus to help me to 1.) see myself as he sees me and 2.) see others as he sees them. Why? Because man looks at the outer appearance, but God looks at the heart. And, nope, I'm not claiming that i'll be able to accurately judge a person's character just by looking at them, but God PLEASE give me a desire to want to know a person or to give a person a chance before making a judgement on them based on face value alone.
At 4:21 PM,
alfalfasprout said…
Yes yes yes to your commentary on health! That is deep and very very true. The voice of my heart!
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