
Monday, September 22, 2008


Do you ever have those times, when you wish you could tell people exactly how you feel? Exactly what you think of their behavior towards you? And you wish that they FOR ONCE would not only hear, but listen and understand where you're coming from? That FOR ONCE they would consider you? Not hear what you have to say, and then immediately go down the list of all of your "infractions". You wish that they would not go "tit for tat" with you. But of course, when you do that you have to take the chance that they will not see or understand where you're coming from. And I also take into consideration, I may be causing an offense or annoyance to someone unknowingly. Still, I find it extremely frustrating and unfair to be wrongfully judged, and as much as I want to explain myself I can't because it will just cause a bigger problem! AAAGGGHH!!! I think I need to just get away for a while.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Fall Fashion Trends 2008...

So let me start by saying, I LOVE the good old fashioned way of holiness. I love dressing modestly, but within the confines of modesty I like to stay aware of current fashion trends. Not to say that I follow trends to the point, or admire them to the point that I'm in a battle to dress immodestly. But it's cool, and somewhat of a good challenge to make popular fashion trends work with modest clothing. I have been observing the Fall Fashion Trends of 2008 (because I LOVE fall fashion), and here are my finds...

1.) Purple and Grey are the colors to wear
2.) Shirtdresses are totally in (YEA FOR DRESSES!!)
3.) Ankle boots also totally in (I keep seeing all of these cool Victorianesque boots, and i'm loving it)

Ok, so that's what I've observed so far? Are there any other obvious trends that you see?

So on my end, my mom bought me really nice wool material of purple and grey plaid for a skirt. Now I need to find a pattern and seamstress.

I also bought some cute purple Crocs for a great price recently. I think I have more purple and/or grey stuff, but I can't think right now because I should be in the bed.

Ok, that's all for now!! Goodnight world!

Monday, September 08, 2008

The Death of the Righteous

I don't know quite how to say, what I have to say, but I'm gonna give it all I have!!! I was riding down the street the other day, and saw one tree in particular, that had leaves that were already turning colors, half was green and the other half bright red. I got excited about the prospect of fall, excited to see the change in the seasons. Well, it occured to me, that there are probably only a few people who will not stand in awe of the beauty of autumn, when the leaves are changing colors, and beginning to fall to the ground. But you know what? In all of our admiration, the tree is actually going through a dying process. Yep, it's dying!!!! And while it dies, we stand and say, "Oh, isn't that beautiful."

Then it came to my mind, when I'm in a test, and I am dying to my flesh, or dying to my will, dying to my ways, dying so that Christ may live, that it should be a beautiful sight. That people should be able to look on me and behold a beautiful thing. Not look and say, "Ewww!! She's dying." They shouldn't see decay, they should see the handiwork of God in all of it's splendor. Most of all, when God looks on me, in my "dying process", what does he see? Does he look and say, "That's Good"? Or does he see something that he doesn't want to see?

When I was growing up, we would listen to the local christian music station, and during the daytime they had a program who's theme song said, "This may be your turning point." Ah yes, this mighty revelation on the beauty of dying may very well be the turning point for my life. I've been in a...test...a trial... and it seems that all that God gave me over the past couple of years, he's taken away, whether permanently or temporarily, he's seemed to have stripped me down, and have me at a complete stand still in life right now. There are NO trains coming or leaving the station, as it were. :) I won't go into, all the things I've experienced, or my reactions to them, but I will say that I see a little more clearly what God is doing. Not that I know where he's taking me, or where we're heading, or even what his next move will be. But I think i've figured out what i'm supposed to do while I wait. Allow things to die, and as I lose things such as possessions, and pieces of myself (my will, my mindset, my attitude), etc... I should just let the beauty of Christ be shown. That as he looks at me as I die, and others look at me as I die, they would see no pain, no decay, but beauty only; Jesus only!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I Asked The Lord

So, I'm trying to learn the piano, so I've been up going through some hymn books and trying to see if I can't figure out how to play some of those tunes. Anyhoo I came across this song, and thought that it was absolutely beautiful. So, I decided to find it and post it on my blog. It's the brilliantly, moving Mahalia Jackson singing. ENJOY!

God's Way Is Best

This song has become my anthem over the last few weeks, and I essentially have to sing it "til all the clouds remove". In other words, I have to sing it until my heart believes it and knows that it is true... Thanks Sis. Mitch and Reba for your comments, they have certainly given me comfort and a way of looking at this current situation from more than just my own narrow point of view. And for the sake of it, below I have posted lyrics to "God's Way is Best", because it certainly is.

God’s way is best; if human wisdom
A fairer way may seem to show,
’Tis only that our earth-dimmed vision
The truth can never clearly know.

Refrain:God’s way is best, I will not murmur,
Although the end I may not see;
Where’er He leads I’ll meekly follow,
God’s way is best, is best for me.

Had I the choosing of my pathway,
In blindness I should go astray,
And wander far away in darkness,
Nor reach that land of endless day.

He leadeth true;
I will not question,
Though through the valley I shall go;
Though I should pass through clouds of trial,
And drink the cup of human woe.

God’s way is best; heart, cease thy struggling
To see and know and understand;
Forsake thy fears and doubts, but trusting,
Submit thyself into His hand.

Thy way is best, so lead me onward,
My all I give to Thy control;
Thy loving hand will truly guide me,
And safe to glory bring my soul.