Do you ever have those times, when you wish you could tell people exactly how you feel? Exactly what you think of their behavior towards you? And you wish that they FOR ONCE would not only hear, but listen and understand where you're coming from? That FOR ONCE they would consider you? Not hear what you have to say, and then immediately go down the list of all of your "infractions". You wish that they would not go "tit for tat" with you. But of course, when you do that you have to take the chance that they will not see or understand where you're coming from. And I also take into consideration, I may be causing an offense or annoyance to someone unknowingly. Still, I find it extremely frustrating and unfair to be wrongfully judged, and as much as I want to explain myself I can't because it will just cause a bigger problem! AAAGGGHH!!! I think I need to just get away for a while.