
Thursday, January 27, 2005

You Raise Me Up

Lyrics to a popular song that Lisa Jennings and I kind of tweaked...made it more personal...Enjoy!!!

“You Raise Me Up”
Verse 1: There was no life no life without the saviour
My sinful heart beat so imperfectly
And then you came and changed my life completely
And raised me up to more than I could be.
Verse 2: When I was down, in sin and sinking lower
Your loving had reached down and lifted me
Now I’ll go forth conquering and to conquer
You’ve raised me up with victory over sin.
Verse 3: When the devil comes and makes my heart feel weary
When troubles come and my heart burdened be
Then I am still and wait to hear you father
Until you come and sit awhile with me.

Verse 4: My life, my love, My all I give to you lord
I know that I can’t make it without you
You gave me hope, You gave me life worth living
And some sweet day I’ll live eternally

You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulder
You raise me up to more than I can be

Saturday, January 22, 2005


Hello!!!! As you can see i'm working on this here contraption and trying to make it a little more interesting. I've added a few pictures, it didn't quite turn out how i like it, but oh well, so goes life. Anyhoo....There are a couple of pictures of the snow. It was dark outside so you might not get the full effect of it...but nonetheless there they are. Have i mentioned lately that i DO NOT like snow??? (LOL...i'm sure i have).

Well this was in interesting weekend. Our revival service was cancelled today because the roads were in really bad condition because of got it....the snow. So I ended up staying home and sitting on the phone for HOURS with Microsoft and Dell technical support (my mom needed me to do some stuff to her computer). It's actually working quite well if i don't say so myself. I may have to doctor up my own computer.

Kyle, my nephew came by today and that's always interesting. We're not used to having a 5 year old in our midst, and when he comes around things get MIGHTY interesting. We made little cutout snowflakes. We were trying to distract him because he INSISTED he wanted to go OUTSIDE and make a the blizzard...that was sooooo not going to happen. "It was NOT even that kind of party!!!"

Well that's my life. Pretty boring, huh? Yeah, yeah, I know. You sit and WAIT for me to update this terribly neglected pink site, and when i do all i can talk about is....snow. Maybe if i exercise myself more, by doing daily....well....semimonthly updates i'll have more interesting stuff to say after awhile. But you be the judge, which means you're gonna have to make a commitment to visit the site often and let me know what you think. (Unless of course what you think is negative, then just keep it to yourself).

Speaking of exercising (no i haven't been to Women's Workout World as I ought...that's a whole 'nother subject), I DID take some time today and worked on my pitiful piano skills. I'm really asking God to increase my musical gift and give me understanding where i lack, in the area of piano playing and vocal technique. I really enjoy singing and working with the children's choir, so i'm asking God to help me to be a better teacher and musician. I printed out a bunch of songs, lyrics and chords, and sat down with my handy dandy, Pocket Music Dictionary, and tryed to make sense of some of the songs. Some didn't sound so bad, others were a little more challenging. And i have a problem to with filling in the music between chords. Well with more practicing I hope God truly increases my knowledge. (Of course if any of you have an idea on how i can become a better musician, aside from taking lessons :), your thoughts are most welcome).

Anyhoo, that's about all i have to say for the night. Especially considering my mom has yelled my name a few times. I better stop "lollygagging" and go and do my evening chores.

Keep the faith all!!!

Can you believe on Monday i'm gonna have to go to work in this snow!?!?! Posted by Hello

Snowy front of house Posted by Hello

More snow!! UGH Posted by Hello

Checkout the grill in the snow!!! Posted by Hello

Snowy Backyard2 Posted by Hello

Snowy Backyard Posted by Hello

ME Posted by Hello

Friday, January 21, 2005

Thoughts at Midnight

So it's after midnight. I just got home from the revival service @ 12:30. We had a pretty bad snowstorm to hit us this evening. I don't know WHERE the snow trucks were/are, but it was pretty scary driving on I-57 and I-80. It took us like 1.5 hours (maybe longer than that) to get home. But God blessed, and the service was well worth it. Because weather conditions were so bad getting TO the service, we walked in right as the preaching began. God really met the service tonight. Pastor Lloyd preached on not letting the red horse rider take our peace. All i can say is.....mmm....mmmm...mmmm.... It was just what i needed to go that extra mile.

And it was like the devil wanted to kill us on the way home. A couple of times it seemed like I was out control of the car but God blessed. The tire traction wasn't so good and we ran out of windshield wiper fluid right when we got to where the snow was really coming down!! But nonetheless, we made it home safely, and i can't say enough that it was WELL WORTH the trip.

On a lighter note, I walked into a house full or 9 and 10 year old boys. :P. I guess i shouldn't really say "full", it's more like 4 ten year olds. I don't really understand 10 year old boys and their fascination with video games. I mean they have been playing for HOURS this one game about a car driving in the streets....weird. When i asked them about it they said that i don't understand (I guess because i'm a girl). They say we like that "Cinderella Stuff". Oh well.

I'm not sure that anything i wrote made sense. It's getting late and i am soooo tired. So i'm gonna go to bed and try again tomorrow. One love!! Keep the faith!!!

My Prayer

So far the revival has been going very well. I'm excited about what God's going to do before it's over. And i'm going with an expectation to receive something deeper in my soul.

During my devotion the other night i came across the lyrics to this song and it really bore witness with my spirit. I don't know the melody of the song, but the words are resonating in my mind. This is SERIOUSLY "my prayer".

My Prayer
by P.P. Bliss
More holiness give me, More strivings within;
More patience in suff'ring, More sorrow for sin;
More faith in my Saviour, More sense of His care;
More joy in His service, More purpose in prayer.
More gratitude give me, More trust in the Lord;
More pride in His glory, More hope in His word;
More tears for His sorrows, More pain at His grief;
More meekness in trial, More praise for relief.
More purity give me, More strength to o'ercome;
More freedom from earth-strains, More longings for home;
More fit for the kingdom, More used would I be;
More blessed and holy, More, Saviour, like Thee.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Birthday's and Revivals


Yesterday was Jalen's 10th birthday!! Amazing, because i like, remember when he was born. I remember when he was cute and adorable and huggable and kissable. I wouldn't DREAM of kissing him now (I might get punched in the nose). Anyhoo, my my my, how time flies.

Yesterday also started our revival. Pastor Hodges was our "Evangelist" for the first night. Tonight, through Sunday, Pastor Davelle Lloyd of Sharon, TN will be bringing forth the message. I'm excited about the revival and what God is doing for the Church of God in Joliet, IL.